The Beet
A Port Townsend Food Co-op Blog
Whether you're passionate about healthy recipes, sustainability initiatives, local giving programs, or supporting local farms, we’ve got something for you. Stay connected with the latest co-op news, learn how we’re making a difference in the community, and discover how you can get involved. Join us as we promote eco-friendly living and share the best in organic, local food."
Frederick Douglass and Co-ops in 1846
On April 2, 1847, Douglass stayed with John Bright in Rochdale the day before he sailed from Liverpool back to America finally a free man.
Beans for Bags: Jefferson County Anti-Racist Fund
JCARF (Jefferson County Anti-Racist Fund) is a community supported wealth redistribution and mutual aid project focused on the individual and collective wellness of our local community of Black, Indigenous, and People of Color (BIPOC).
A short history of Black Cooperatives in America
From mutual aid societies to independent fugitive communities and from farmer cooperatives to consumer co-ops, In honor of Juneteenth and the Black Lives Matter movement, a short history of Black Cooperatives in America.
JOHN LEWIS: Cooperation and Civil Rights
The last time I saw him was on 5 May 2010, when I was being inducted into the Cooperative Hall of Fame. I thought we’d have about 10-15 minutes with John, but he gave us over an hour, speaking about the South and his life working with cooperatives, sharing some of his stories about the Federation of Southern Cooperatives.
Standing in Solidarity
We stand in solidarity against injustice, racism, discrimination, and violence of any kind.