The Beet
A Port Townsend Food Co-op Blog
Whether you're passionate about healthy recipes, sustainability initiatives, local giving programs, or supporting local farms, we’ve got something for you. Stay connected with the latest co-op news, learn how we’re making a difference in the community, and discover how you can get involved. Join us as we promote eco-friendly living and share the best in organic, local food."
Meet the 12 Farms awarded Farmer Fund Grants
2025 Farmer Fund Grants awarded to twelve local farms in Jefferson County Washington. Thanks to all of the customers and members who contributed to this program. Together we are building a stronger agricultural resilience in our community.
Quarterly Board Update
Please read about all the latest updates and news with the board, and upcoming board elections.
Join the Board’s community engagement committee
The Food Co-op Board is seeking two Members-at-Large to join our vibrant Community Engagement Committee.
Fostering Equity, Belonging, and Inclusion at the Coop
The Food Co-op is committed to DEI, and accessibility within our organization and in our community. We’re here every day working to nourish our community, and living our values of respect, inclusion, participation,integrity, love, stewardship and resiliency.
Sept 4th Board Meeting: Attendance and Participation
This Week’s Board Meeting: Attendance and Participation
August GM Report
Each month, I report to the board on what is happening in the store as well as our progress on our long-term goals, which we call our Ends. These Ends reflect our aspirations—what we want to accomplish—and they are part of what makes us different from a regular grocery store.
June Demo Recipe! What did the Board make?
June Demo Series recipes - Perfectly Good Food—A Totally Achievable Zero Waste Approach to Home Cooking by Margaret and Irene Li.
March Demo Recipe! What did the Board make?
March Demo Series recipes - Perfectly Good Food—A Totally Achievable Zero Waste Approach to Home Cooking by Margaret and Irene Li.
New Demo Series! Come see what the Board is making.
New Demo Series and chance to win the cookbook - Perfectly Good Food—A Totally Achievable Zero Waste Approach to Home Cooking by Margaret and Irene Li.
Lettuce Work Together!
Your board wants to hear from you! Join us for Board store-walk days and let your voice be heard.
Working Toward a Diverse Board
I hope that if people who never thought they could run see me on the board, maybe they’ll say to themselves, “I can do that, too.”
A short history of Black Cooperatives in America
From mutual aid societies to independent fugitive communities and from farmer cooperatives to consumer co-ops, In honor of Juneteenth and the Black Lives Matter movement, a short history of Black Cooperatives in America.
Strong Co-ops Need Strong Boards
Do you love your co-op? Consider a position on the board!
Join us for a "Virtual" Annual General Meeting
A note from the Board Vice President, Juri………
The Board Delivers
The Board is piloting a delivery service to those 70+ or with compromised immune systems.
Who Do You Know? (That Would Make a Great Board Member?)
Not everyone has the time or desire to serve, but everyone probably knows someone they think would make a good board member—someone who loves the Co-op and our community and who can work collaboratively within a group. Now is the time to give that friend or acquaintance a gentle nudge.
Easy Grain Bowls
With a pot each of beans and rice, you have the foundation for a series of easy meals.