Sustainable Turkey Truck!

Sustainable Turkey Truck!

Yes, this year our fresh turkeys are being kept in an Electric cold storage box instead of a diesel run truck.

You might have been wondering what that giant white box is on the southside of the Coop.

From now on during the run up to Thanksgiving we will now be renting this electric cold storage box to keep all our fresh turkeys in.


As a reminder (or As a refresher) a Fresh Turkey has never been at a temperature below 26° F since turkey meat begins to freeze at that temperature. Fresh turkeys are stored below 38-40° for optimum food safety. A Frozen turkey has been cooled to 0°. Most frozen turkeys have been “flash frozen,” which means the turkey was quickly taken to a frozen state to ensure optimum freshness when thawed.


Just another way we are helping forward our environmental stewardship.


Return of the Relish Tray


Pumpkins and Custards