The Board Delivers


Dear Community Members,

We are writing today to see if you would benefit from a delivery service of goods from the Port Townsend Food Co-op. The Co-op cannot do deliveries at this time, but several board members are organizing a pilot program to shop and deliver to community members age 70+, those with underlying health conditions, or those who cannot get childcare, and who live within in the city limits. (Please call if you are unsure if you qualify.) Shopping and delivery will be free during this crisis, but if you can afford it, a cash donation of any size to the Food Bank would be much appreciated.

We are still working out the details but this is how we envision it will work:

  • Once a week delivery, either Sunday or Thursday afternoon

  • You place your orders by phone with us ahead of time

  • We shop for you and the Co-op calls for credit card info

  • We leave a box for you at your door and text you that it is there

If interested, please contact us at 360-582-6634 (Monica) or with the following information:

  • Name, phone number, and delivery address.

  • How would you prefer to make payment? (Credit card is ideal for us since the Co-op can do a transaction over the phone, but let us know if that is not an option.)

Also, please contact us if you or your friends are interested in being a volunteer (delivery/shopper/admin).

Co-operatively yours,

Juri Jennings

Board Vice-President


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