The Beet
A Port Townsend Food Co-op Blog
Whether you're passionate about healthy recipes, sustainability initiatives, local giving programs, or supporting local farms, we’ve got something for you. Stay connected with the latest co-op news, learn how we’re making a difference in the community, and discover how you can get involved. Join us as we promote eco-friendly living and share the best in organic, local food."
Change For Change - New Co-op Farmer Fund
One direct action we can take—that supports both our farmers and our neighbors—is to donate directly to local farms so they provide food to families with limited access to fresh food.
Help Ukraine Cooperatives provide relief
A contribution to the Cooperative Development Foundation's Disaster Recovery Fund assists cooperatives, families and communities when they are most in need of help.
Farm to School Starts with the Apple
The Community Wellness project used donations from OGC and the Food Co-op to support the Farm to School program in the following ways…
The Food Co-op’s Community GROW Fund Enables Deliveries to the PT Food Bank by Bicycle!
How do we help grow our local food system? Grow Fund Applications NOW open.
Community Build Open House and Fundraiser
Learn about what your community has been building!
Beans for Bags: Jefferson County Anti-Racist Fund
JCARF (Jefferson County Anti-Racist Fund) is a community supported wealth redistribution and mutual aid project focused on the individual and collective wellness of our local community of Black, Indigenous, and People of Color (BIPOC).
Beans for Bags: NAMI, National Alliance on Mental Illness
NAMI Jeffco, like many other organizations, is now offering programs via ZOOM.
Buy satsumas this season and a tree gets planted.
For each 5 lb. box you buy, The Food Co-op donates $1 to support Northwest Watershed Institute, the founder and coordinator of the Plant-A-Thon.
Community Pie Cookbook NOW Available
Who loves pie? Now you can have 21 savory and sweet recipes from local pie makers.
Beans for Bags: St. Vincent de Paul
The local chapter of St. Vincent de Paul responds to urgent and limited financial needs of residents in East Jefferson County
Grow Fund Awarded to the Peddling Produce Project!
The Food Co-op offers small grants to qualifying, local nonprofits to grow our local food system and its impact.…
Beans For Bags: Jumping Mouse Children’s Center
Children instinctively know the need for connection – highlighted for all of us as we are physically distanced from one another.
Grow Fund Applications Open August 1, 2020
The Food Co-op offers small grants to qualifying, local nonprofits…
Preserving Local through Community Support
Food Bank Farm & Gardens of Jefferson County has purchased and installed two freeze dryers at the Old Alcohol Plant in Port Hadlock, WA.
Olympic Peninsula Farmers Fund Helps Local Farmers and Food Banks
Money from the Farmers Fund to local farmers is not a grant or even a loan.