Cooperatively Yours!


Who owns your grocery store?

You do!

“The day after I received my first printed copy of my new book Grocery Story: The Promise of Food Co-ops in the Age of Grocery Giants, I embarked on what was likely the most extensive tour of food co-ops... ever! I left my home of Nelson, British Columbia and headed east to Rochester, NY. From there, I would visit 125 food co-ops with storefronts and 23 startups in various stages of development. Naturally, I took a LOT of photos and this publication is one of the many outcomes of that journey. It's a substantial undertaking to build a community-owned grocery store and THIS COULD BE OURS was conceived as a resource to help inspire and guide your dedication to your community, to food makers and to future generations. A special thank you to Stuart Reid and the Food Co-op Initiative (FCI) for believing in this vision. And a thank you to you for being part of the transformation of the food system through the primary point of convergence where food production meets eaters - the grocery store.“

-Jon Steinman




Perfect Picnic Sides!