The Beet
A Port Townsend Food Co-op Blog
Whether you're passionate about healthy recipes, sustainability initiatives, local giving programs, or supporting local farms, we’ve got something for you. Stay connected with the latest co-op news, learn how we’re making a difference in the community, and discover how you can get involved. Join us as we promote eco-friendly living and share the best in organic, local food."
Don’t Be Scared to Start Making Your Halloween Plans Now
Don't be scared.....start planning Halloween now with these easy, fun and festive recipes.
More Information about what’s in our Chocolate!
Back in February we posted about the Consumer Report information about cadmium and lead in dark chocolate. We are now reporting back with an update from our manufacturers.
Cadmium and Lead in Dark Chocolate—How Dangerous?
Many of us have heard that Consumer Reports has tested dark chocolate bars sold in the US and found that most had higher levels of cadmium and lead than the maximum levels set by California.