The Beet
A Port Townsend Food Co-op Blog
Whether you're passionate about healthy recipes, sustainability initiatives, local giving programs, or supporting local farms, we’ve got something for you. Stay connected with the latest co-op news, learn how we’re making a difference in the community, and discover how you can get involved. Join us as we promote eco-friendly living and share the best in organic, local food."
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Kitchen to Kitchen - Romesco, King of the Spanish sauces, have you met?
Spanish nut based sauces for Summer plus a rocking garlic infused mayo !
Ten Tips to arrive at the perfect Irish Stew - Recipe Included!
The Instant Pot is a boon for cooking tasty Irish stews. It requires little effort and time, and the results are fabulous. After an hour, including prep and hands-off cooking time I have a stew that’s fall apart tender with a rich stock and complex flavors.