Here Are S'more Ideas!

Sandwich a toasted marshmallow and a square of chocolate between two graham crackers. Eat, then have s’more!

Perfect your technique:

Practice the art of toasting the marshmallow without it catching on fire!

COALS: Campfire coals toast a marshmallow faster and more consistently than flames.

GRILL: Toast on the grill once the coals are nice and hot

FLAMES: Use a gas stove, candle or Stern

OVEN BROIL: Place a marshmallow on one square of graham cracker, and the chocolate on the other square.


• On paper towel place 1 cracker square.

• Top with chocolate and marshmallow.

• Wave on high 15 seconds or until marshmallow puffs.

• Remove and cover with other cracker.


Trad = Graham cracker + chocolate + marshmallow

Rad = Graham cracker + Marshmallow + Peanut Butter Cup

S’moreo = Oreo cookies + Marshmallow

Salty Dawg = Graham cracker + Marshmallow + Chocolate + Caramel Topping + Sprinkle of Coarse Sea Salt

Totally Nuts = Graham Cracker + Marshmallow + Nutella

Cococabana = Graham cracker + Marshmallow Pineapple Slice + White Chocolate + Toasted Coconut

ChochoChocolate = Chocolate chip cookie + Marshmallow + Chocolate

Very Berry = Graham cracker + Marshmallow + Chocolate + Sliced Strawberries

Churro = Cinnamon Graham crackers + marshmallow + Mexican chocolate

More S’more = Graham cracker + chocolate + banana +peanut butter

Danish = Graham cracker + marshmallow + whipped cream cheese + jam

Minty More = Chocolate Graham cracker + Marshmallow + Chocolate Mint Patty

PBJ = Graham cracker + marshmallow + peanut butter + jelly

Ginger Snap = Gingersnap cookies + marshmallow + chocolate

Razzamatazz = Graham cracker + marshmallow +Raspberry Jam or fresh raspberries

Lazy S’more = Graham cracker + Fluff + chocolate


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