Grow Fund Recipient Announcement 2022
After reviewing the applications from the six local nonprofits , the Community Engagement Committee chose the Jefferson County Anti-Racist Fund as the recipient of this year’s Grow Fund ($1,546 this year).
Selection was based on project feasibility, operational need, community need, quality of application, track record, and uniqueness. The committee especially appreciated that the work involved local farms as well as food access.
JCARF CSA shares for BIPOC community members
JCARF - Jefferson County Anti-Racist Fund
JCARF is a community supported reparations and mutual aid project focused on the individual and collective wellness of our local community of Black, Indigenous, and People of Color. We raise funds and in-kind contributions from folks who benefit from white privilege and distribute these resources among the BIPOC community.
Building resilient, accessible local food systems that support Black, Indigenous, and People of Color is part of our reparations work!
JCARF supplies over 20 families and individuals with boxes of produce, flower bouquets, meat, dairy, flowers, baked goods, herbal remedies and more. The CSA is free of cost and open to any BIPOC in Jefferson County, WA, regardless of income, and we coordinate deliveries for members who need it. The CSA is a year round program, weekly in the spring and summer and monthly in the fall and winter.
This season our weekly produce boxes come from Goosefoot, Finnriver, Kodama, Space Twins, Hopscotch, Creaky Knees, and Red Dog, and we've had many other contributors to our CSA including Second Growth Herb Collective, Mystery Bay Creamery, and Pan d'Amore. Additionally we've had friends share salmon, maple syrup, locally grown grain, and lots more veggies. It has been joyful to witness the community engagement and the expansion of this project!
We have dreams about setting up contracts with BIPOC growers to pay them for their product and include it in the boxes, funds for food gift cards that recipients can spend at local grocers, and funds to pay BIPOC folks for working on the project. This funding will help us actualize visions we have been growing for the past 3 years of the CSA program.
- Anya, Jefferson County Anti-Racist Fund