Mulching it up at the Blue Heron Orchard


Every year on Martin Luther King Day, students, parents, and members of the community gather to prepare the Blue Heron Middle School Orchard for a plentiful harvest by giving the trees a little TLC. By the wheelbarrow load, mulch is carried and spread around the base of the trees to create a rich and vibrant ecosystem for the fruiting trees to flourish.

Whats really exciting about this project is that students are given an opportunity to not only learn about growing food, but they also get the opportunity to eat the fruits of their labor during harvest time.

The Food Co-op has generously supported this project over the years and continues to do so. Tree maintenance takes time and money and we don’t want that to be a barrier for children to learn the importance of growing their own food. This year, we pledged $500 to help cover the cost of mulch and other things. Blue Heron Orchard is looking to match those funds by reaching out to members of the community.

If you would like to support this project by providing some matching funds (any dollar amount helps!) you can send a check to Local 20/20 with :Blue Heron Orchard” in the subject line and mail it to:

Local 20/20

1240 W Sims Way #12

Port Townsend, WA 98368

If you are interested in supporting this project in other ways, please reach out to Seth Rolland 360.379-0414.



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