The Food Co-op

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Call Me Mad

by Kenna S. Eaton, GM

At about 12:30 pm on Wednesday, February 2, 2022, a group of around 15 anti-mask protestors flash-mobbed the store for approximately 15 minutes. What?!? Really? Yes, really. And it was disturbing, even scary, for those people shopping and working in the Co-op at that time.

Staff followed our procedure, announcing on the intercom that anyone unmasked must leave the store. When the protestors didn’t leave right away, we continued to repeat that anyone unmasked must leave. When folks still didn’t leave, it was announced that we were calling the police. By the time the police arrived, most protestors had left or were hanging out in the parking lot, congratulating themselves. The police asked them to leave the parking lot and head on home. No one was trespassed from the store and no arrests were made. Not this time.

And to that group of protestors, I want to say, Shame on you. What were you thinking? I can’t imagine you meant to upset our Co-op staff; the very people who have struggled to keep you safe for the past two years. The very same people who work long hours, every day, under a mask, not the 20 minutes we ask you to wear it while shopping. The very same people who worry every day about possibly carrying COVID back home to their young unvaccinated children, their aging vulnerable parents, or their partners struggling with health issues. The same people who worry about our shoppers, many of whom are aging and vulnerable? Who were you worrying about? Yourself? Your desire to shop without a mask? I can’t imagine you meant to upset your neighbors. But you did. I don’t think you thought this through at all, and for that I am astounded, shocked that any one in our community would be so thoughtless. Shame on you.

You want to protest? Fine, go protest outside, where your community can see you. And go protest something that really needs to change. Human Rights. War. Lack of equitable housing or pay or food access. Climate Change. But masks? Really? No. Not inside our store, not at our workplace, not at our home. Now, if you really want to take action and apologize to our staff for your thoughtless behavior, then please do so. Letters of apology will be accepted. But please don’t come inside and expect us to welcome you without a face covering.

Until regulations on masks change, we will follow the Jefferson County Department of Health mandate, and we will continue to do our best to keep our community safe and healthy. We hope everyone else will do the same. I also want to say to all of you who do cooperate, who do care, and who do try your best to be civil and kind to each other in these trying circumstances, Thank you. We know it’s been a long two years, so thanks for hanging in there with us. I know I’m keeping my fingers crossed this will all soon be over….

With appreciation,
