The Food Co-op

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GM Update: November 2020

How we can we help you shop for Thanksgiving, in a safe and effective manner?

As the season deepens with the bitterly cold north winds and winter rains arriving, we are all moving inside and thinking about how we can manage the holidays safely. At the Co-op we are asking ourselves the same question: how we can we help you shop for Thanksgiving, in a safe and effective manner? To address that question, we are implementing several operational changes that we want to bring to your attention, as well as reminders on how to shop safe and sound this season.

#1-- Limiting customers. Beginning today we will limit the number of customers in the store at any one time to meet the new state regulations. Our plan is to have a staff person at the door monitoring the flow, especially during the peak times. Please be prepared and dress warmly (hat, gloves, wooly sox…), in case you are asked to stand in the line—6 feet apart, naturally—until there is room in the store. Yes, there are peaks in our day, and we would encourage you to shop at ‘off ‘times (more about that below). Fun fact- we’ve ordered some umbrellas to help protect those waiting, let’s hope they get here in time!

#2 – Extended store hours. We will be opening extra early at 6AM for 5 days before Thanksgiving—Friday the 20th- Wednesday the 25th. If you are an early bird, we hope you’ll take advantage of this option—plus you’ll get to see us at work, making the magic happen in those early hours. All we ask in return is that you be patient with us and watch out for any stray boxes on the floor as we do our opening work stocking those shelves as fast & as safely as we can.

#3- Change your shopping times—Shop early (6am anyone?) or shop late (we’re still open until 9pm), but for best outcomes skip coming in between the hours of 11am and 4pm. We know, sometimes that is the only time you can come shopping. We get it. But if you have the flexibility to shop earlier or later in the day, that would help spread the love.

#4 Turkey Talk- This year we will be stocking turkeys in the store for easy pickup. While not as much fun as pre-ordering that turkey and then standing in line as we picked it out for you, it will open up flow and that’s the name of the game for now. The truckload of turkeys (we ordered a lot this year!) is slated for delivery today, November 17th.

#5—Shop alone. Speaking of love, we love you and your family, but please don’t bring them shopping unless you don’t have any other possibility. Really. We get that sometimes that is the only option, but as we will be limiting the number of shoppers in the store at any one time, the more people you bring with you, the less others can shop. It’s simple math.

Lastly don’t forget all the other COVID shopping tips—wash your hands often, don’t come shopping if you don’t feel well, keep 6 ft between you and others (did you see our cute new floor decals?) and keep your nose & mouth covered at all times. Our staff thank you; I thank you and our community will thank you. Stay well.
