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Beans For Bags: Jumping Mouse Children’s Center

Jumping Mouse Children’s Center transforms children’s lives by providing expressive mental health therapy for as long as necessary. We nurture each child’s healthy development and supportive relationships at home and in the community.

“We are connected because we love each other.” ~Jumping Mouse child to their therapist.

Children instinctively know the need for connection – highlighted for all of us as we are physically distanced from one another.

Jumping Mouse continues to provide therapy for children in our community throughout the COVID-19 crisis. To safeguard the health of our staff, families, and the community, we closed our facility in March and transitioned to using telehealth for appointments. During this stressful time, our purpose at Jumping Mouse has remained very clear: to continue to be the safe and stable presence for our kids, families, and our community.

As we move into the fall, Jumping Mouse is preparing for a very different season than usual. Thankfully, Jumping Mouse – with our commitment to being here for kids as long as they need us – is made for uncertain times like these. With you support, we continue to be a steady presence for kids and families, adapting quickly and creatively as needed to make sure our kids know Jumping Mouse is here for them.

Beginning in September, most of our kids will remain using telehealth with their therapist, with limited in-person services to some children with new safety protocols in place. This plan takes into careful consideration those families and staff members that are most vulnerable to the COVID-19 virus. Operating with this new model requires extra work and supplies to meet the needs of all our kids. Your support through Beans for Bags provides children in our community with mental health therapy at a time when its needed more than ever.

1809 Sheridan St, Port Townsend, WA 98368

(360) 379-5109