The Food Co-op

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The Food Co-op Board Endorses the Washington Reusable Bag Act 

At the February board meeting, the board voted unanimously to endorse the Washington Reusable Bag Act. The overuse of plastic is a growing issue made worse by the lack of opportunities to recycle it. We have been working to reduce plastic in our store, but a state-wide ban on single-use plastic carry-out bags would make an even greater impact. The act fits well with our mission, principles, and strategic plan.

General Manager Kenna Eaton signed the petition below on behalf of The Co-op. The final letter, signed by businesses and organizations from all over the state, will be shared with state legislators and Governor Jay Inslee.

Washington Reusable Bag Act

We, the undersigned Washington businesses and organizations, are strongly

supportive of adopting a statewide policy aimed at reducing the impacts of

plastic pollution associated with single-use plastic carry-out bags.

It is estimated that Washingtonians use approximately 2 billion single-use

plastic carry-out bags annually. These thin plastic bags are used for only a few

minutes and discarded. Only 6% of these bags are ever recycled. Plastic bags

blow into our waterways and the ocean, clog the stomachs of wildlife, and

break down into smaller pieces that make their way into the food chain.

Plastic bags also clog recycling equipment – costing money because they must

be extracted – and are the major contaminant in our commercial compost.

The Reusable Bag Bill would eliminate thin carry-out plastic bags at all retail

establishments and include a pass-through charge to motivate people to bring

their own reusable bags and help cover the stores’ cost of more expensive


As stewards of our waterways, beaches, Salish Sea, and the Pacific Ocean, and

as business leaders in our local communities, we ask for your leadership in

protecting our public land, waters, and communities from the impacts of

single-use plastics by supporting the Washington Reusable Bag Bill.